Meet Our Directors
Walking with you as you walk with God

Affiliate directors are contacted directly for scheduling, fee structure, and payment arrangements,
and are open to negotiation based on financial need. To help in your discernment process we encourage you to schedule a free online or in-person introductory session with one of our directors.
* Kindly visit our legal disclosure and agreement page before choosing a director to work with.

Grace Cooper
In-Person: Roseville, CA
Online: Zoom
Grace was introduced to spiritual direction during a particularly difficult season of life.
Through the gentle and consistent companionship of her first director, she was able to discover and name a longing for more of God that was simmering just below the surface.
As a spiritual director and a guide through the Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius, Grace offers her directees a safe and generous space to reflect and process their unique journey with God while helping them discover and name their own deep longings for more.

Betsy Slate
In-Person: Oakland, CA
East San Francisco Bay Area, CA
Online: Zoom
Betsy Slate is a spiritual director and ordinary contemplative living in Oakland, CA. She compassionately companions people as they discover the loving God who forms them and embrace who they are lovingly created to be. Betsy holds masters degrees in social work and theological studies and trained as a spiritual director and supervisor with Sustainable Faith, where she now teaches cohorts of spiritual directors. She loves to witness and nurture the practice of finding God in all things.

Teddi Pettee
In-Person: Roseville, CA
Online: Zoom
Teddi Pettee is a Spiritual Director, Ministry Leader, wife, and empty-nest mom. She is also a trained accompanist in Ignatian Prayer Exercises; guiding others through both the 18th and 19th Ignatian Annotations. Teddi has served
in para-church ministry with Youth for Christ for 28 years. Her experience includes training and supervising ministry leaders, creating content for relational ministries, speaking at youth camps and women’s retreats and facilitating reflective retreats.
Teddi lives in the Sacramento area of California with her husband Chris. She offers Spiritual Direction
both virtually and in person.
Are you a Spiritual Director?
If you are a trained and certified Spiritual Director interested in joining the community of Companions For Your Journey, we’d love to talk with you and explore the possibilities!

Jayne Price
In-Person: Mount Hermon, CA
Online: Zoom
Jayne has spent most of her adult life walking alongside others in Spiritual Friendship and providing Spiritual Direction. In 1995, she started the Reflective Retreat ministry at Mount Hermon Christian Conference Center where for 27 years women gathered 4 times a year in a sacred space to retreat from the busyness of life and listen to God. Jayne is a certificated Spiritual Director and Spiritual Direction Supervisor. She and her husband Rich minister to the community of Santa Cruz through their non-profit

Kira McFatridge
In-Person: Corona, CA
Online: Zoom and Others
As God is present to us, I as a Spiritual Director, endeavor to create still and sacred space into which both Director and Directee bring our authentic presence. Together, we practice the presence of God, co-listening, paying attention and acknowledging the mystery of "God with us", as we seek to discern God's leading, surrender to His will and rest in His love.

Kate Kim
In-Person: Tustin, CA
Online: Zoom
Kate will always say that spiritual direction saved her faith! During a dark season of loss, she began meeting with a director and God opened her eyes to see how much He was with her and has been all along. The wholeness and freedom she gained led her to become a trained Spiritual Director and now she loves companioning with others, creating a safe space for them to wrestle, wonder, and process aloud, prayerfully looking for and seeking God together.

Jessica Lee
In-Person: Tustin, CA
Online: Zoom
Jessica is a Spiritual Director for both adults and children. She first felt an invitation to spiritual direction during a hard and dry season of life. Through the safe and healing presence of God and her director, she was reassured of God's unconditional love and experienced clarity and restored hope. She considers it a joy and privilege to be a travel companion and listening friend to people of all ages! She invites others to rest, play, and listen to God's whispers of love right where they are.
Jessica received her training through Sustainable Faith and Companioning Center. She lives in Orange County, CA with her husband and two children, and in this noisy and fast-paced culture, she is learning to live a slower and quieter life.

Esmé June
In-Person: Charleston, SC
Online: Zoom
Hi! I'm Esmé, a trauma-informed Spiritual Director, therapist in training, and aspiring good-enoughist.
I love helping others deconstruct their beliefs while overcoming religious shame, hurt, and trauma.
I take a deeply affirming, whole-person approach; offering Spiritual Direction through a queer & neurodivergent lens and with underpinnings in somatic (body) awareness, integrative parts work (IFS), and therapeutic art.
When I'm not in sessions, I can be found working toward becoming a licensed therapist, making messy art, or tending to my own soul.

Rachel Wagner
In-Person: Roseville, CA
Online: Multiple Platforms
Rachel spent much of her life working to tame her inner chaos by trying to be good. Concurrently, like a seed underground, the truer work of God’s love was taking root and growing
into something far more interesting and beautiful than her own effort could accomplish.
Rachel fiercely longs for people to see how they are uniquely and beautifully made and takes joy in noticing with them the evidence of
God’s movement in their lives,
taking heart that none of us are abandoned or alone.

LorriAnn Lovett-Gill
In-Person: Davis, CA
Online: Multiple Platforms
LorriAnn delights in
being loved by God
and discovering what that means
in everyday life.
She loves to listen with others
for how God’s heart beats
and voice speaks -
to accompany them
in uncharted places
as they explore and find more
in their life with God.
She welcomes people from diverse
traditions, backgrounds, and cultures - each on their unique journeys.
LorriAnn is familiar with
disappointment beside hope;
disability as well as healing;
disorder amid uninhibited joy.

Chris Pettee
In-Person: Roseville, CA
Online: Zoom
Chris is a Spiritual Director
influenced by
Ignatian spirituality.
With 35 years’ experience serving
at-risk and foster youth,
he currently works as
program analyst with
CA Department of Social Services.
He was drawn to spiritual direction
while making a career change
and found this new pattern
of yielding to God
deeply transformational.
Chris is married with two grown children and lives in
the Greater Sacramento area
of California.
He enjoys creating sacred space
for others to explore their relationships with God.

Curtis Campbell
Online: Multiple Platforms
A worship and discipleship pastor based in Green Bay, WI, Curtis became inquisitive about spiritual direction when questions about caring for the soul began to surface. Surprised by the gift of soul care, the profound value of silence, the usefulness of imagination, and the transformative effect of companioning with individuals and groups, he is delighted to notice God’s love for every soul and story. He completed his spiritual direction, Ignatian Exercises, and Supervisor training with Sustainable Faith.

Kelly McCargar
In-Person: Loomis, CA
Online: Multiple Platforms
Kelly was drawn to Spiritual Direction during a wilderness season of waiting on God. Through contemplative practices in training with Sustainable Faith, she discovered a greater sense of her true self and a deeper attachment to the One who made her. She shifted from knowing ABOUT God to experiencing an intimate life WITH God. Transformed by her encounters with the Trinity, Kelly desires to journey with others who also hunger for a felt sense of Immanuel-God with us. Whether meeting with individuals or speaking at women’s retreats, her heart is to co-create open spaces to hear the whispers of God as He plants seeds of hope, healing, and clarity in the lives of His beloved.

Rachel Igo
In-Person: Sonoma County, CA
Online: Zoom
Rachel testifies to the powerful and transformative work of God in her life that has come from the practice of meeting with a Spiritual Director regularly.
Her experience inspired her to join others in the vital and healing soul work of this ministry and graduated in 2023 with a Spiritual Director Certificate from Sustainable Faith.
Rachel meets with people
all over Sonoma County or
anywhere on Zoom.
The beauty of God in nature and people captivates her as she lives out her days in union with her Divine Dancer!

Cheryl Gärlick
In-Person: Oakland, CA
Online: Zoom and Facetime
Cheryl is a Spiritual Director for people of all ages.
Her trust is deepened by God's faithfulness through seasons of both joy and sorrow.
She is captivated by God’s tenacious, unending, creative pursuit of each person. Cheryl delights in discovering the unique ways God’s love is made known
to each of us.
She is a pastor, wife,
and mom to 4 young adult children.
She lives in an intentional community and is nourished by stories, wonder,
and time in nature.