About Us
How we came to be.
Our community was formed out of a desire to gather with other Spiritual Directors who share a passion for the contemplative life, to offer encouragement and support as we deepen and broaden our own practice of direction, while creating spaces and opportunities for others to deepen and broaden their relationship with God. We have each experienced spiritual direction as a great gift in our lives and hope to make it accessible to as many as will receive it. As we create and hold sacred space for our directees, we are intentional about doing the same for one another.

“God showed how much he loved us by sending his one and only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through him. This is real love- not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins. Dear friends, since God loved us that much, we surely ought to love each other. No one has ever seen God. But if we love each other, God lives in us, and his love is brought to full expression in us.”
1 John 4:9-12

Statement of Faith
Our desire is to create generous spaces for all who come, to explore the depths of God’s love, and further, to be an expression of that love to all we meet. To that end, the words from 1 John 4 are enough for us to gather around and agree upon as we embark on this companioning journey together.
A Message From Our Founder

I was introduced to the ministry of spiritual direction during a particularly difficult season of my life. The old ways of connecting with God weren’t working, things that were once so clear about Him now ended in question marks, and I was so very tired from working for Him. Through the gentle companionship of my first spiritual director, I was able to discover and name my own deep longings for more of God, become more comfortable with the Mystery of who God is, and ultimately begin to truly experience the love of Jesus just for me- God's own Beloved. After receiving the gift of direction for myself, I was called into this companioning ministry and trained through the Sustainable Faith School of Spiritual Direction. During that two-year cohort experience, I discovered that sitting with and listening to people share their own joys and wrestlings with God is absolutely my favorite thing to do, and doing it in community felt like a taste of His kingdom on earth!
The Companions For Your Journey community was created with two goals in mind. First, to provide a safe space for directors to share the joys and challenges of our spiritual direction ministries, while continuing to grow as we offer this sacred space. Second, to be a resource for those who are longing for more in their relationship with God, by providing companionship and accessibility to practices that have proven life-giving to us and Christians throughout the centuries.
So, if you are a spiritual director looking for a community of like-minded souls to journey with, are brand new to spiritual direction and contemplative practices, or somewhere in between we hope you feel welcomed to explore God’s invitations here with us. We will hold a safe, non-judgemental space for you while listening deeply as you process your relationship with God, and help you become more aware of His loving invitations that are just for you.
We look forward to meeting you on the road!